A: We offer an array of services ranging from advocacy, family support, youth support and educational workshops. We also offer parenting, anger management and domestic/interpersonal violence classes. For self referral you can call our office at 347-682-4870 or send an email to info@fotmnyc.org.
A: Advocacy by an individual or by an advocacy group normally aim to influence public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions; it may be motivated from moral, ethical or faith principles or simply to protect an asset of interest.
A: Family support services are a range of formal and informal services that cut across boundaries of different types of services and may make the difference between an effective and ineffective system of care. Peer services and services provided by families who have been through the experience is family support. Whatever the services or who provides them, there are guiding principles that spring from the CASSP principles; family focused, youth guided, multi-system, culturally and linguistically competent, community based and least restrictive/least intrusive.
A: There is an additional cost for some trainings.
A: Just sign up on line, individual, family and youth membership are now free
A: If you are a parent or caregiver of a youth with special needs and have been working to get your child services in any of the child-serving systems (i.e. juvenile justice, child welfare, mental health), you can become an advocate.